Sunday, November 16, 2008

What do You do Without Nerves?

Did you know that some people don't have nerves? Probably not, because only 35 Americans can't feel pain. Congenital insensitivity is caused when your nerves do not connect to the part of the brain that can feel pain. Sounds good right? Wrong! It is extremley dangerous to not have nerves, especially for children because they have to be watched very closely and have to carry around a device that can tell them the temperatures of things. According to, a three year old girl was touching a hot oven but couldn't feel the tempereture, and her parents later found her smiling with blood all over the kitchen. Another thing that can happen with CIPA (congenital insensitivity to pain) is Anhidrosis, which is the inability to control your body's temperature. When this happens, you are unable to sweat which can cause you to overheat, or underheat. One boy in China's body temperature is 43 degrees F. This disease is very tragic and most people that have it don't live past 25 because they catch simple illnesses but they can not detect it. Scientists still can't think of a cause for it, and it is the rarest disease in the entire world.
By, Andy

1 comment:

nerdy kid said...

Hey andy, I'm gonna comment on your thing:

THAT WAS TOTALLY DISTERBING!!! Do you think I want to know that some girl was smiling sweetly at her parents while the kitchen was smeared all over with blood, her blood! Okay no I shall move on to the good aspects of the post. First of all you have very interesting facts. Like how that boy in China was 43 degrees. And how some times those people didn't live past 25. And how only about 35 people in America don't have nerves. That is something I like hearing in posts. Not that a little girl was smiling when see was bleeding. Because that as I said before is just DISTERBING!!!!!